YUVA: An Introduction
YUVA is an apolitical organization which stands for youths united for vision and action. YUVA firmly believes that every individual is gifted with unique qualities by nature. These qualities may have enormous diversified dimensions but current higher education system and academic institutions at large force young brains to concentrate on a small part of a single stream of academics only. Unsatisfied cultural and social thrusts of youths are forcing society towards individualism which is not good for individual, society, nature, and the nation itself. YUVA is a platform for students and youths where they can perform, participate, and organize academic, cultural, social, and sports activities of their own interest, can achieve excellence in them, and thus become a part of larger goal of empowering India. In this way YUVA can be described a platform that connects students and youth to the very themselves, to Nature, to Society, and to the Nation. YUVA calls upon every young individual to focus on your studies and simultaneously give time to your eternal interests, society, nature, and the nation.
Chinese Investments a worry
As we all know China, of late, has become the second largest economy on the planet after USA. The mutual trade between China and India is estimated to be $73 billion and the trade deficit pegs around $53 billion. This is a huge gap. India has been suffering due to heavy imports of various commodities including machinery, electronic, electric equipments, and other consumer goods from China. There are around five thousand products which are being imported into India from China. This has led to shut millions of small businesses in India and rendered a vast population unemployed.
In the past couple of years, Chinese companies in connivance with the Chinese government have made heavy and aggressive investments in India to exploit market opportunities. India has become too much dependent on China in terms of cheap goods. But common mass in India don’t sense the sinister strategy by China. Globally, the experience is that Chinese don’t create local employment, but bring their own people, own contractors. There is hardly any incident of technology transfer. Obviously they want more capital goods imports from China. In the last ten years, China has not registered any drug from Indian manufacturer. Moreover, it’s keeping Indian IT companies at bay not only from the government projects, but also from other Chinese companies. China doesn’t allow foreign investment in its grid for security reasons while India allows 100 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in its power sector.
YUVA’s Role
In the wake of all this, YUVA’s came up with an economic vision which is a unique blend of patriotic free-marketism. We at YUVA realize that in today’s day and age with increasing globalization a closed economy can do more harm than good. But at the same time, a voluntary change in individual preference based on an appeal to patriotic sentiment can bring in a tremendous change and benefit the domestic economy. The increasing trade deficit in the favour of China has been a major policy concern for the past decade. While we continue to augment our own manufacturing, YUVA wants to encourage the youth to bring a change at the individual level.
Swami Vivekananda once said, “What our country now wants are muscles of iron and nerves of steel, gigantic wills, which nothing can resist, which can penetrate into the mysteries and the secrets of the Universe, and will accomplish their purpose in any fashion, even if it meant going down to the bottom of the ocean and meeting death face to face.”
This motivated YUVA volunteers to run a campaign by the name “National Security and Swadeshi Campaign” in all central and state universities, technical institutions, and coaching institutes of Delhi to boycott Chinese goods. The campaign was run from August 01, 2017 to August 22, 2017. Our volunteers educated youths and students about the chaos created by Chinese investments in Indian markets. Pamphlets and flyers were distributed among students along with missed call campaign. Various activities including Nukkad Nataks, Signature Campaign, human chains and Lecture Series on the prevalent subject, debates, poster competitions, and quizzes were carried out. Our volunteers also quoted relevant examples across the world to convey this swadeshi message. We witnessed an overwhelming response from the youths and students across academic institutes. As youths play the most important role in the building of any nation, YUVA stresses on the need to connect to these youths and make them aware of the current prevailing circumstances.
Kavindra Talyan