Indian Media Forum had organized a discussion on “A Geopolitical Review” at Hansraj College, Delhi University on February 26, 2018. US journalist and author Dr Richard Benkin is the key speaker in this talk.
During interaction with students and scholars, Dr Benkin said, “Politics, especially international politics and relations, influenced by geographical factors, is called Geopolitics. Today in multi-polar world, we were entering in a new phase of global geopolitics. If we talk in Indian and Asian context, China making artificial island in sea for off shore naval Combat & operation. ‘String of Pearls’ and OBOR is also a geopolitical disturbance to india. In India’s neighborhood Baloch and Pakhtoon are fighting in Pakistan for their rights and Geo entity.
According to program convener Diksha Kaushik, Dr. Benkin also tells us in detail about the breaking Geopolitical Myths Of Middle East & the formula, USA of being superpower to use Geopolitical tactics. The Wise Scholar also raise the issue of atrocities on minority in south east & south Asia. Specially he draw attention about the plight of Hindu Minority in Pakistan & Bangladesh.
The talk is presided by Mr. Mahendra Prajapti, Hindi Department, Hansraj College and chief guest is IMF’s President Mr. Arun Upadhyay. Social activist Mr. Devendra Diwan and Mr. Vidyabhushan also present their opinion before students.
This program is organized by Indian Media Forum in association with Hansraj Civil Society Nishtha. Student leader Akash Tyagi is co-convener while online portal Campus Chronicle and APN News channel are the media partners of this talk.