“India’s founding fathers and mothers established in the Constitution both the nations’ ideals and the institutions and processes for achieving them. The ideals were national unity and integrity and a democratic and equitable society. The new society was to be achieved through a social-economic revolution pursued with a democratic spirit using constitutional, democratic institutions.” – quotes Granville Austin, renowned constitutional scholar.
To achieve these ideals, the framers of the Constitution of India designed necessary governing structures which form the linchpin of one of the largest democracies in the world – India. India is a federal parliamentary democratic republic with a rather complex governing mechanism. It is in fact safe to assume that the system is difficult for a common who is outside the corridors of power to understand.
The legislative bodies at centre and state level – The Parliament and the State Legislative Assemblies respectively are where laws are made after extensive debate and discussion. These bodies follow a due procedure before any policies are formulated or legislation is passed and given the force of law. In a time when electronic media has gained the power to influence young, impressionistic minds and plays a pivotal role in shaping ideologies and keeping a check on out government, it is imperative for us to know and understand how our leaders frame policies for us. This is where the role of academic simulations of our policy making bodies gains importance.
DU Mock Indian Parliament was organised for the first time in 2014, with a vision to imbibe in young individuals, an understand of how our government functions.The DU Mock Indian Parliament is a stage where we simulate legislative bodies like the Lok Sabha (Lower House of the Parliament) and various think tanks and policy making bodies of the government. The aim of such a simulation is to inculcate an understanding of the working of the legislature and the intricacies and nuances of the policy making process. It provides the participants with a stage for deliberation and gives them an opportunity to voice their opinion. New Delhi, the capital city of India is no stranger to student activism. It is the hub of a young opinionated section of youth of this country who will go on to become our leaders and shape the future of our glorious nation. One can often see groups of students engaging in rather interesting discussions on some of the most pressing issues of national and international importance. DU Mock Indian Parliament brings these discussions under one roof, where they are debated upon formally and participants gain a greater understanding of the policy making process. A variety of conflicting and harmonious views criticizing or praising the government and its policies, parliament and its functioning, political parties and their views can be heard at one event. At previous editions od DUMIP, we have discussed important issues such as the Women Reservation Bill, The Anti-Conversion Bill, The Goods and Services Tax Bill, The Reservation Policy, The Ram Mandir Issue, Indus Water Treaty, Criminalization of Politics etc.
This year at 5th DU Mock Indian Parliament, we are simulating the following committees with their respective agenda:
1. Lok Sabha – Drafting a legislative framework to enforce the fundamental Right to Privacy:
In August 2017, The Supreme Court of India declared Right to Privacy a fundamental right. The pronouncement was welcomed as a historic and a much needed verdict. At Lok Sabha, a stage will be set for drafting a legislative framework for an effective enforcement of the right keeping in mind the crucial apprehensions of the Right to Information and the criminal justice system.
2. Committee on Agrarian Reforms – Revisiting Swaminathan Committee Report for proposing reforms in the agricultural sector:
Last few years have seen unprecedented agitation from farmers in various parts of the country. The agitation which led to great loss of capital, produce and lives revolves around the implementation of the recommendations of Swaminathan Committee Report.
3. All India Political Parties Meet – Framework for strengthening employment opportunities in India:
The committee will discuss the employment situation in the country in depth and will eventually arrive at a framework for tackling the glaring situation through efficient policy.
4. Cabinet Committee on Security – Violent extremism in Kashmir Valley with special focus on pan-Islamic terror networks
Development and security go hand in hand in a democratic polity. At 5th DUMIP, the Cabinet Committee on Security will provide an insight into the decision making process of higher echelons of the government.
5. Constituent Assembly Debate – Determining the form of government of independent India:
The Constituent Assembly tasked with framing the Constitution of independent India deliberated thoroughly on the suitability of Parliamentary and Presidential forms of government. At CAD, we put you into the shoes of the constitution makers to deliberate upon the most suitable form of government for our country.
6. 2nd Round Table Conference – Deliberation on separate electorates and course of action after the Gandhi-Irwin Pact:
The 2nd Round Table Conference formed the basis of various important developments like the Government of India Act, 1935 and the Poona Pact. In light of these circumstances, we, at DUMIP take you back to the lanes of the phase of India’s freedom struggle through an academic simulation.
This year, the 5th DU Mock Indian Parliament will be organised on 10th – 11th February at Hansraj College, North Campus, University of Delhi. We promise you a good quality debate, a platform where you will realise the true potential of democracy and go back with a great learning experience that will stay with you for the rest of your lives.
For more information and registeration, visit http://www.dumip.com
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