–Written By Hari Darshan Thakur
Delhi University is India’s largest Central University and represents Students from all parts of India. Delhi University Student Union (DUSU) Elections are very prestigious elections, the outcome of DUSU Election has national implications and a strong indication of which way the wind is blowing.
DUSU Elections are seen as stepping stones to national politics for young student leaders. Delhi University’s elections are a matter of celebration and students enjoy and participate in it.
The DUSU elections this year is going to be a triangular contest between ABVP, AISA and NSUI as CYSS may not fight the polls. The DUSU elections will be held this year on September 12.
Important Dates of DUSU Elections:
- 04/09/2019 till 3:00 pm- last date for receipt of Nomination papers along with Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- and Affidavit.
- 04/09/201903:15 pm15pm -Scrutiny of Nomination Papers.
- 04/09/2019 at 06:00 pm
Publication of list of Nominated Candidates.
- 05/09/2019 till 12:00 pm – Last date for withdrawal of Nominations.
- 05/09/2019 till 05:00 pm – Publication of final list of Candidates.
- 12/09/2019- Date of Election
Timing of Votings:
-Day Classes :08:30am to 01:00 pm
-Evening Classes: 03:00 pm to 07:30 pm - Date, Time and Venue of counting of votes to be announced later.