~ Arpit Das दशकूपसमा वापी दशवापीसमो ह्रदः । दशह्रदसमः पुत्रो दशपुत्रसमो द्रुमः ॥ Building a pond is equal to building ten wells, building a reservoir equal to building ten ponds,Having a son equal to having the resources of ten ponds, but having a tree is equal to ten sons! Matsya Purana 154:512 With the advancement…
YUVA JMI organised a webinar on ‘Ancient Temples Eternal Civilization’. Pankaj Saxena, Chief Editor of Indic Varta & Lecturer, Centre for Indic Studies addressed the students on the topic. Speaker categorised the lecture in 3 sections. In first section, he showed pictures of magnificent Temples across India. In second section, he described the symobolicism of…
~ Satish Kumar If we look back to the glorious past of India and recall some sacred souls, whose fruits of work we are enjoying today and who deluged the world with India’s message and philosophy. What comes in our mind. After hundreds of years of slavery and conquest by barbarians, the nation had lost…
~ by Dr. Dev Desai The extensive coverage which the scheduling of all India exams like NEET and JEE in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic has been getting takes me back to the first half of this year. Having completed by MBBS, I was at home preparing for the post-graduate entrance exams to be…
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