Friday, 15th September 2017: As the final round of admission for this year’s academic session in various educational institutions gets over, all gear-up in giving a warm welcome to the new comers.Freshers, the best way for beginners in knowing the institution’s culture, showcasing inbound talent and bonding-up with seniors in order to pave the way for a higher platform.
In the same way, the freshers of the capital-based Central University, Jamia Millia Islamia were today invited for a ‘Freshers Meet’ by the senior students. This programme was organized by the ‘Youth United for Vision & Action’ (YUVA) chapter of Jamia in the afternoon at Dharamshala Hall of SanatanDharm Mandir situated in Sukhdev Vihar, which is adjacent to the University. Although, it did not take place inside the campus due to unavailability of space, so the organizers decided to organize at a venue close to Jamia.
This being one of its first kind till now in Jamia, it was attended by Mrs Monika Arora, Senior Advocate in Supreme Court & Union of India’s Legal Counsel for JNU as the Chief Guest, Editor of Lok Sabha TV and the Guest of Honor Mr. S. K. Sahay and the organization’s Delhi Convener Mr. Rajneesh Jindal as the Special Guest.
As the new comers received greetings from the guests as one of the pioneers in their respective fields, there was an interactive session in which these invited guests shared their valuable experiences with the beginners who just kept their first step towards college-life.
Speaking to the students, Senior Advocate in the apex-court Mrs. Monika Arora said that she loves to come and converse with the students, who are the future of this great country and congratulated all the new comers. Commenting on the current student-life, she said that most of them have vision, but lack action and vice-versa which is only making them confused and diverted. As being the Union of India’s Legal Counsel on JNU’s slogan controversy, she remarked that since some of them who lack either vision or action, they only indulge in such activities and only spoil their bright future. She urged all the students to excel in academics and construct a healthy atmosphere which is free from the jaws of casteism, poverty and all sorts of violence, which only benefits the nation’s all-round development. Citing examples of Swami Vivekananda’s coat incident, she told students to be proud of their rich-cultural heritage and be courageous to face obstacles of life. Referring to Steve Jobs’s life, she asked students to put emphasize on hard-work as it is the only way in accomplishing their vision. In her interaction, she also recommended students present there to read and listen to motivational works by scholars and draw inspiration from them.
Senior Journalist and Editor of Lok Sabha TV, Mr. S. K. Sahay commented upon the importance of youth for a nation. He said that a country progresses when the young brigade takes-up its responsibilities and fulfill them honestly. He asked students to be patient and introspect their action. He also urged to respect nature and thank almighty for these blessings to humanity.
After the interactive session, the students along with the guests sat together for lunch.
On its maiden journey, the programme turned-up to be successful which engaged lot more the numbers it was expected. As per the core traditions of the organization, this platform was open for all those who are in search of knowledge and Jamia acting as a harbor in achieving them.Kindled with this overwhelming response, the organization will carry on with even more energy and with the same way in the near future.
(Report by Shubham Pandey)