“Strange but true that the advocates of the tolerance in their conduct have been intolerant enough to tolerate Vivekanand’s statue in JNU. The defacement of his statue was the last nail in the coffin of red terror. A candle flickers brightest just before it goes out. The recent violence and hampering of admission process in JNU by the left goons is the clear reflection of communist defeat which is counting its last breaths.“
Since Independence, time and again in one voice communism has been rejected by the people of India. Together for years, nation fought against its destructive ideology. The erstwhile left wing is a microscopic group of people who have been receiving a continuous aid and to be crystal clear commission from foreign agencies working to weaken India’s integrity. They are totally dedicated to set up a political system that is inclined towards Maoism and Leninism.
Being rejected by the voters of this country at almost every occasion, left’s quest for political power has turned blood wrenching. It is now penetrating into the colleges and universities to retain its existence that has been challenged by the formidable unity of the nation. Communists have found aid in luring, instigating and misleading young minds to fulfil their nefarious designs stimulated by foreign endeavours.

In the past few months, we have been witnessing tensions escalating in some reputed yet sensitive universities of the country. Defacement of Swami Vivekananda statue in JNU followed by violence at Jamia university, AMU and now again in JNU smell a deadly conspiracy. One thing that has been common in all these worrisome events is the rise of slogans and speeches fueling minority against the core cultural ethos of India’s civilisation and Hinduism. Left in its endeavour to capture political power is playing the dangerous communal card in the educational institutions of the country. Such a strategy in a multiracial society among young minds is fatal. Student movements have been exploited to serve the cause of divide and rule.
These are the high calls for the students, academicians and scholars irrespective of religion, caste and gender to unite and combat red terror that has adopted the communist strategy of armed struggle, communal division and aggressive attacks on the country’s unity and integrity. Vivekanand once said, “a brave, frank, clean hearted, courageous and aspiring youth is the only foundation on which future nation can be built’. The students across universities have pledged to unite and fight the enemies of peace in the country.
Wow Amullaya ji you did a great Job..