The Delhi Branch of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari celebrated the Guru Purnima Festival on Sunday,17,2022 at its Chanakyapuri Center. Shri Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra, Uttar Prant, informed us that the concluding program of the week-long Gurupurnima Utsav celebration was organized on Sunday. Prof. Praveen K Verma, Director, R&D, JNU and Professor, School of…
India has played a pivotal role in sculpting global history since the ancient epoch. Being endowed with worthy resources, it still is a source of aspiration for the world. After the Structural & Stabilization reforms of 1991, the growth rate of physical output accelerated and soon transmogrified India into one of the influential global economic…
On 8th July 2022, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated. It was an unpredicted Friday morning when Abe was giving a speech on the street in the city of Nara. He was shot twice, 1st shot was on his neck, and 2nd on his back. The gunman and suspect were taken into police custody….
Maharashtra is known for pleasant weather but recently the weather in the Maharashtra government had heated up because of the instability in the Shiv Sena party. Shiv Sena a party is known for its bold decisions and its ability to do work efficiently. Along with a dynamic motive of Hindutva under Bal Keshav Thackeray, a…
‘I want freedom for the full expression of my personality’- Mahatma Gandhi Freedom is the liberty to do what is considered best for the self, community, nation and the world. It is a concept so abstract that when it is freely available, it is hardly felt, but the moment it is snatched, the entire system…
Dollar Bahu is a story of middle aspirations. To settle in a foreign land and earn in foreign currency. It is considered a sign of prestige if your family members have settled abroad. Interestingly this story does not have a single protagonist or villain. There are just people shaped by their circumstances. It is a…
The youth volunteers of the Delhi Branch of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, are ready to celebrate a week-long Guru Purnima festival in the College Campuses. Shri Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra, Uttar Prant informed that the birth anniversary of Maharishi Veda Vyasa, a son of a Rishi Parashar and Mata Satyawati, who was…
The Vivekananda Kendra, Delhi Branch, conducted its weekly Youth Convention this Sunday. Shri Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh Vivekananda, Uttar Prant, informed that above 70 students from different colleges of Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University participated. The regular activities include Vedic Chanting, Group Discussions, Presentations, and games, among others. We also got blessings from…
The Delhi Branch of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari paid tribute to the great Yogi of 19th century Swami Vivekananda on his 120th Punyatithi. Shri Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra, Uttar Prant, informed us that a 2 hours program was organized at our center in Chanakyapuri in which around 80 people paid tribute to…
Learning under the sheds of Aravali I fondly remember one of my professors from undergraduate days in one of those rainy classes enlightening us about the meaning of a university. He explained that ‘a university is a place where the universe can be taught, it is a place which has no syllabus, a place of…
किसी भी ऐतिहासिक जीवन चरित्र के दो मुख्य साहित्यिक स्रोत होते हैं, एक जीवनी जिसमें व्यक्ति के निजी जीवन , क्या किया, कैसे किया और क्यों किया सम्मिलित रहता है और दूसरा उनका दर्शन सहित्य जो उनके स्वयं के लिखे हुए या बोले हुए शब्द होते हैं जिससे व्यक्ति के विचार क्या थे ,किस-किस सम्बन्ध…
Human existence has been evolving for the last many millenniums. The mode of production is also evolving along with human evolution. Around the 18th century, with the advent of industry and capital fueling economic structure, Europe turned towards Asia and Africa, in the quest for raw materials. These colonizing powers pumped out raw materials and…
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